The Beech Cliff Trail and Canada Cliffs Trail loop hike from Echo Lake is short (about 2 miles, 1.5 hour hiking time) but very steep, gaining about 500 feet in elevation in just a half mile to the summit.
You’ll ascend four vertical iron ladders on your way to the summit from Echo Lake, making this particular trail unsuitable for anyone afraid of heights or hiking with your dog.
The view from the summit of Beech Cliff is pretty spectacular.

Below you’ll see Echo Lake and its popular beach where you began the hike. To the east, on the opposite side of the lake is Acadia Mountain and St. Sauveur Mountain. To the south is Southwest Harbor and the ocean.
After enjoying the view, it’s an easy descent on the Canada Cliffs trail back to the parking lot at Echo Lake Beach.
If you want to enjoy that view without the climb, alternatively, you may start your hike at the Beech Mountain parking lot and trailhead, located on the other side of the cliffs off Beech Hill Road.
That would be a much shorter hike at just over half a mile round trip, with less elevation gain, no ladders and the same view. Wait, why didn’t I do that trail?!?
If you’re up for the challenge, here are the details on the Beech Cliff Trail!
Finding The Trailhead
When entering Mount Desert Island, stay left to on Route 102 for 8.6 miles until taking Echo Lake Beach Road on your left. This road will lead to a large (but crowded) parking lot.
The trailhead for Beech Cliff Trail is located at the end of the parking lot, at the turn-around.
From June 23rd until Columbus Day, you can take the free Island Explorer bus to this parking lot on bus #7 Southwest Harbor (park pass required).
Beech Cliff Trail to Canada Cliffs Trail Loop Hike

Beginning the hike at the parking lot of Echo Lake Beach, you’ll want to do the trail in a counter-clockwise direction so that you’re ascending the ladders.
Not long after beginning your hike, you’ll begin to gain elevation. The trail is mostly wooded, so you won’t be in direct sun, but you’ll work up a sweat anyway. Parts of the trail are very rocky!

After a quarter mile, there’s a lookout but don’t bother, the views are going to get much better.
At 0.35 mile is the first ladder to ascend. This one is is the easiest.
At 0.4 mile is a much taller ladder. It’s a little scary getting off the top of the ladder and difficult to look graceful doing it.
Shortly after, there are two more ladders to climb and then you’re done climbing.

After ascending the final two ladders, there’s a short spur trail to this awesome view on the cliff.

The summit is just a bit farther, where you can take a rest while enjoying the view. The hard part is over!

At this point you could continue on the Canada Cliffs Trail, but I recommend taking the quick and easy Beech Cliff Loop for more awesome views.

After the loop, return to the summit and begin your descent on the Canada Cliffs Trail.
This section was much easier than I anticipated. Most of it is a walk through the woods with a gradual descent down to where the trail levels off and follows the road back to the parking lot.

Finally, end your hike with a swim in Echo Lake and relax on the beach!

Your Next Hike at Acadia National Park
Another excellent hike nearby that you pass on your way to get here, and that you can see from the top of Beech Cliff is the Acadia Mountain Trail, with excellent views of Somes Sound. Or, for something easier and flatter, continue past Southwest Harbor to the Ship Harbor Trail.